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This is where I put my stories or poems or whatever.



dire wolf fossil

I am watching my dog crawl around on the floor
I wonder what she knows. . .
Does she know she's gonna die?
Does she know about her canis ancestors?
Does she know other animals are conscious?
Does she know she's created gore and death for her smaller peers?
I roll over and look out the window. . .
I couldn't take those thoughts anymore.
Now I am watching the cloud factory
It creates the sky above us.
I wonder if the people inside know what they're doing. . .
Do they know they're creating a blanket of puss in the sky?
Do they know we eat their clouds everyday?
Do we even need their clouds?
Do they even care?
I roll over again and look at my nightstand. . .
I was beginning to scare myself.
My eyes rest on the blowflies crawling around my dinner.
I wonder what they know. . .
Do they know they're gonna die?
Do they know they're breathing poison?
Do they know I'm killing them?
Do they know I killed a bird to feed them?
I stand up and walk to the kitchen.
My bedroom was making me paranoid.
I grab a grocery bag, sit down, and put it on.
I know I'm going to die.
I know about my primate ancestors.
I know I won't have any descendants.
I know I've killed other creatures.
I know I've brought others misery.
I know I'm going to hell.
I know I'm going to die.
I know I'm going to die.



pitcher plant

A small circle of connections
Take turns sucking each other off
And sucking themselves off.
They all bow to the kingpin
He calls all the shots
For he wields the 16 inch cock.
One day, a new recruit is let into the group
But he can only stay under one condition:
The new guy thought he could handle it no problem
Unfortunately, it ended up being more than he bargained for.
The kingpin's constant schlonging had various negative side effects on the rookie.
His teeth began falling out
His lips gave out
His tongue began eroding away
Then eventually, his jaw fell off.
Unable to eat or suck any more cock,
The others dropped him off into an open grave
Where he spent his final days.
The kingpin visited this grave,
Whipped out his 16 incher,
And pissed all over the rookie's rotting carcass.




ant head


I went into my backyard for my daily toke
flicking my ash I noticed a city
it was on the floor
it was in the floor
little specks crawling in and out
crawling between my toes
crawling up my leg
they're hungry just like me
and I had my one-of-a kind treat
I was put here to spread peace,
it felt hypocritical to watch them starve
I couldn't loom over them,
them helpless beings. . .
I stand idly by
while they shrink and shrink
I took them into my own hands
under my own wing
I had to share with them
would it be cruel to ignore them?


the beast arrives again in its tall thrown
with its sage and flames
I stand guard
others have the balls to approach
not me,
never me. . .
they like to stroll by
an admiration I never understood
I hear it approaching
today it's brought something with it,
something sweet. . .
it drops and we take
one by one down the winding corridors
and spit out the scrumptious paste for our peers
they give their compliments to the chef
and carry on their way
as I head back up the corridor
I notice it is taking longer than usual
but I don't mind
I never saw things so clear
so wonderful
I couldn't return to the surface
couldn't find my way
but if I could, I would give my thanks
and compliments to the beast.