Hi friends, I'm really sorry this website has been so god damn ugly. . . I promise to make it better in the future. . . Peace and prosperity from Joe Martindale. . .
Hello friends. Please disregard the previous news update from, like, 6 months ago. I've neglected this site a lot since then because I've had a lot of personal things come up. Because of that my life has changed a lot, and as a result, my website will, too. For one, I replaced every other member of Turbid for different reasons. Also I realized a lot of the things featured on this site are too revealing or really stupid and embarrassing. I'm not going to change the look of the site, just the contents within. Goodbye. . . Joe!!
Hello friends. Joe here. I am going to change the icons and all the text on the site to be more pleasing to the eye. I'm sick of trying to read this ugly ass font on top of some ugly ass colors. The site colors are currently purple and green, but I want to change them to purple and light blue. I think it will be beautiful. I will also change the font to one that's more readable.
I also made a new page for my finger injuries from playing guitar.