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Who is Joe Martindale?

Joe Martindale is an American teeny bopper malcontent. He likes to rock n roll in his spare time. . .
If this is a genuine question you have, why are you here?

What is the point of this website?

To get away from the shallow wasteland that has become of social media. It's restricting and soulless. I made this website because I felt limited when it came to customization and stuff. Here I design everything so I can make it as personalized and fun as I want.

What do you have against social media?

It's no fun. Over time they've become more and more boring and sad to look at. They have incredibly limited personalization. And all the major sites have garbage algorithms that only ensure they make more money. They've become a bastardized shell of what they once were, if they were anything special to begin with. There's a line from a Minutemen that I think describes how I feel pretty well. "Psychological methods to sell should be destroyed." Social media sites aren't trying to bring people together.

Will there ever be a new Mr. Joe album?

No. I'm focusing on my band Turbid now. And we don't take song-writing suggestions.

What are your favorite bugs?

My favorite bugs are Big-Headed Flies and Sun Spiders. Big-Headed flies are funny looking. Sun Spiders have really interesting anatomy and behaviors. This is the wikipedia article about them if that sounds interesting.